THIRU TRUST was legally registered under Indian Public Charitable Trust Act u/s 1882 act by Reg.No 542/2010 dated on: 19.10.2010 It has the Board of Trustees (BoT) with 3 members along and has General Body with 13 Members, community volunteer of about 8 members, advisory board and a resource team for delivering better services.
To enable a society in which the social justice and human dignity is ensured by protection, prevention and promotion of Human Rights in order to serve peace & justice to every citizen.
To raise the standard of the people through sustainable initiatives and empowering them on social, economic and judicial awareness creating a balanced and peaceful society.
THIRU TRUST is a gender balanced, concept driven NGO – all the managerial functions (planning, decision making and processing) are performed by members of our trust.
Your donation is knowledge investment for future children of our nation.