
Helping Each Other can Make World Better

THIRU TRUST was legally registered under Indian Public Charitable Trust Act u/s 1882 act by Reg.No 542/2010 dated on: 19.10.2010 It has the Board of Trustees (BoT) with 3 members along and has General Body with 13 Members, community volunteer of about 8 members, advisory board and a resource team for delivering better services.

Awareness on legal aid

Awareness on human rights education

Awareness on digital information technology used in everyday life.

Awareness on Indian law

Thiru Trust STORY

A Journey Through Thiru Trust Story


our mission and vission

To enable a society in which the social justice and human dignity is ensured by protection, prevention and promotion of Human Rights in order to serve peace & justice to every citizen.

To raise the standard of the people through sustainable initiatives and empowering them on social, economic and judicial awareness creating a balanced and peaceful society.

Our managerial functions

Significance of Thiru Trust

THIRU TRUST is a gender balanced, concept driven NGO – all the managerial functions (planning, decision making and processing) are performed by members of our trust.


To provide free legal aid to the people who are in need of it.

To initiate need based efforts to address major / critical Human Rights issues on Livelihood measures, social justice and social security of the people

To promote / develop human rights defenders.

Initiating people to take further action on protecting and promoting their livelihood structures through Human Rights Education

Creating Platform for finding resources and organizing people to attain the vision through network action, associated wings and working together with the organization with similar objectives.

To conduct campaign, movement based initiatives and legal aid camps and public hearings on promoting human rights.

To implement mobile counseling on human rights

To include awareness programs on using current technology in every day life.

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Charity For The People You Care About

Your donation is knowledge investment for future children of our nation.

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